Cyber Security for Building Management Systems Conference
The digital transformation of the building sector continues to accelerate as global business leaders embrace integrated and intelligent building management and control systems. The drive towards industry 4.0, a more efficient, competitive and disruptive business model, can reduce energy consumption and operating costs while enhancing occupant comfort, safety, security, and business productivity.
However, not unlike other industrial automation control systems, the proliferation of IoT and advanced connectivity in buildings has also increased the cyber attack surface, exposing backdoor access to an IT infrastructure that was historically isolated from operational technology cyber threats. Building services and IT convergence are still operating in silos and cybersecurity baseline maturity models are still very much developing.
Both public and private buildings remain vulnerable, leaving prominent organisations at risk. The consequences of an attack on such facilities can quickly cascade into a full-scale safety-related incident resulting in loss of life, reputational and financial damage, and an impact on our economy.
The Cyber Senate inaugural Cybersecurity 4 Building Management Systems conference will bring together building owners, security, safety and facilities leaders with leading government, manufacturing, technology and cybersecurity subject matter experts to establish best practices in this unique information sharing forum. We will address the growing threat to Building Automation Systems (BAS), Building Automation Control Systems (BACS), Facility Management Systems (FMS) and Energy Management Control Systems (ECMS), and provide practical and detailed insight on how we can deter, detect, respond and recover in the modern-day buildings environment.
Speakers and Panelists include:
Daryl Haegley, DoD — Office of the Principal Cyber Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, Director, Cyber Mission Assurance and Deterrence
Michael Chipley, The PMC Group LLC, President
Ilan Zachar, Carr Properties, Chief Technology Officer
Fred Gordy, Intelligent Buildings, LLC, Director of Cyber Security
Isaac Chen, WSP USA, Vice President Building Technology Systems
Jason Christman, Johnson Controls, Vice President, Chief Product Security Officer
Ken Kurz, Corporate Office Properties Trust, VP, IT & CIO
Michelle Sipe Exaros, Sales Manager — Government, Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
Michelle Watson, Cyber Intelligent Partners, President and CEO
Mischka Pottinger-Brinson, Granite Properties, Analyst and Program Manager
Ron Zimmer, Continental Automated Buildings Association, President & CEO
Wanda Lenkewich, Chinook Systems Inc, President
7th Annual Control Systems Cyber Security Conference USA
Celebration Florida, September 22–24th. September 22nd is the pre-conference Golf and Workshop day free for asset owners, sponsored by Fortinet.
The two-day conference is September 23/24th Sponsored by Trend Micro
7th Annual Industrial Control Cyber Security Europe Conference
October 27/28th 2020, Le Meridian Hotel, Picadilly Circus, London UK
4th annual Aviation Cyber Security Summit
November 3rd and the 4th, London United Kingdom